
FAQ update: utilisation of genetic resources, EU ABS Regulation, and more

Published on
May 11, 2020

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of the ABS Focal Point website have been updated. More information has been included in the existing sections of the FAQ and new sections were added.

When am I a user?’ gives an overview of when you are considered to be a user of genetic resources under the Nagoya Protocol and the EU ABS Regulation.

EU ABS Regulation’ provides more information on when genetic resources are within the scope of the EU ABS Regulation, when you are a user of genetic resources, which specialised ABS instruments are recognised, and when to submit due diligence declarations.

Compliance and administration’ now contains additional information on how to minimise your administrative burden while still complying with ABS requirements.

Additionally, you can find information about the PIP Framework in ‘Which rules apply to ABS?’, the implementation of the ABS legislation in the Netherlands in ‘How is compliance monitored and enforced in the Netherlands?’ and the definitions of ‘country of origin’, ‘provider country’ and ‘due diligence declarations’ in ‘Important terms’.

For further questions, feel free to contact the ABS Focal Point through the contact page.