Where can I find more information?
Where can I find further information on ABS?
You can visit the website of the secretariat of the CBD, the national clearing house of the country you want information about, or the ABS Clearing House that has been set up under the Nagoya Protocol. In particular the Nagoya Protocol requires Parties (i.e. States) to provide information on a number of issues, including legislative measures, permits granted as evidence of PIC and MAT, user obligations concerning the use of traditional knowledge, the designated competent authorities and national focal point, model contracts, codes of conducts and best practices.
A selection of resources relevant to Access and Benefit-Sharing can be found on Downloads and links. This page provides a list of documents and links, including:
- codes of conducts, best practices and tools;
- COP-MOP Decision booklets;
- the CBD series ‘Bioscience at a Crossroads’, which reviews recent changes in scientific, technological and business realities and makes recommendations for implementing the Nagoya Protocol;
- the FAO State of the World reports, which provide a comprehensive overview of pressing global issues and challenges regarding genetic resources and agrobiodiversity;
- more in-depth information on Access and Benefit-Sharing and the implementation of ABS measures across sectors;
- links to pages with further ABS resources.
Alternatively, you can contact national focal points or competent national authorities. Contact details can be found on the CBD website.
Relevant information on the implementation of the ITPGRFA can be obtained from the website of the secretariat of the ITPGRFA, or from the national focal point of the ITPGRFA in the country of interest.
You are currently visiting the website of the National Focal Point on Access and Benefit-Sharing of the Netherlands. If you have any questions, contact us by sending an email to NagoyaNL@wur.nl. We will do our best to answer any questions you may have.