The adequacy of Arctic marine data
This project is part of the EMODnet Sea Basin Checkpoints, in which the quality of the current observation monitoring data at the level of the regional sea-basins are assessed. The objective of this project is to examine the current status of Arctic data and analyse how they can be optimized by using the data in case studies called ‘challenges’.
In this process the current data collection, observation, surveying, sampling and data assembly programmes in the Arctic sea basin are examined. This is done in two parts: a literature review to obtain an overview of the available information on the Arctic; and by applying available data in the ‘challenges’. In both cases the quality and adequacy of the data is evaluated for the specific purpose for which it was used.
The predefined ‘challenges’ are very diverse and vary from cataloguing alien species to windfarm siting; and from predicting oil spill impacts to river nutrient inputs into the Arctic basin. They are chosen in such way that they cover a wide range of data and provide a solid stress test for these data.
The approach and preliminary results are discussed in expert and stakeholder meetings in order to improve the project’s output.