CIMMYT project
The project focuses on generating an enabling environment for scaling Climate Smart Agriculture practices. This will be supported through linking the lessons learned from current Climate Smart Agriculture experiences in Climate Smart Villages with the LAPA frameworks to accelerate adoption of CSA interventions.
The project also aims at an iterative process to scan, define and address opportunities and barriers for developing, piloting and scaling business cases for Climate Smart Agriculture Practices. Robust science-based evidence on CSA interventions will feed into sub-national policy, aiming to support farmer households to better adapt to climate change. Capacity building of NARES, the private sector & NGO’s will result in better mechanisms for market outreach and targeted investments in CSA and sustainable food security.

The guidelines for LAPA that will emerge from this research will help to identify CSA practices, business cases, incentives and institutional arrangements that encourage actors at all levels in India, Nepal and Bangladesh to invest in and adopt CSA interventions.
Expected Outcomes
By 2019, enabling mechanisms and environments for scaling-up CSA informed by the project will lead to:
- A 15% annual increase in investments in CSA by local and sub-national governments.
- Enhanced participation of the private sector in the scaling out of CSA with benefits for 1 million rural and urban men- and women-headed households in those India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
- At least 10 International, regional and national developmental organizations using the CCAFS-informed tools, practices and policies for the prioritization of CSA
Services provided by Wageningen Environmental Research
- Development of a business assessment tool and criteria
- Developing and defining innovative business models for scaling Climate Smart Agriculture Practices
- Development of local and national innovation platforms for scaling Climate Smart Agriculture Practices