New Food Systems research upcoming
The ERA-NET on Food Systems and Climate FOSC has selected 17 projects for funding under their first joint call. It brought together 24 funding organizations of 20 countries from 3 continents to support basic and applied research and was focused on ‘the interactions between climate and food systems: assessing the consequences of climate change on agri-food markets and developing sustainable and resilient food value chains in the context of changing food needs and patterns (diets)’. All projects selected for funding contribute in innovative ways to sustainable food systems under climate change. Each project is a collaboration between researchers from multiple countries and continents. The projects will run for 3 years and will start in June 2021.
The projects are:
- SALAD - Saline Agriculture as a Strategy to Adapt to Climate Change (Belgium, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Morocco, the Netherlands)
- BLUE-CYCLING - Integrated aquaculture and agriculture for resource-efficient food production (Germany, Honduras, Kenya, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, the Netherlands, United Kingdom + Brazil)
- URBANFOSC - Urban Food Resilience under Climate Change Challenges (Algeria, France, Kenya, South Africa, the Netherlands)
- SAFOODS - Strengthening African Food Systems in the face of climate change and food insecurity (France, Ivory Coast, Senegal, United Kingdom)
- TRUSTFARM - Towards Resilient and sUStainable integrated agro-ecosystems Through appropriate climate-smart FARMing practices (Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Senegal)
- CLIMAQUA - Establishing an innovative and transnational feed production approach for reduced climate impact of the aquaculture sector and future food supply (Germany, Kenya, Norway, South Africa)
- ThermoK - Thermophilic breakdown of keratin-laden biomass waste (France, Kenya, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom)
- CHIAM - Integrated chia and Oyster mushroom system for Sustainable food value chain in Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Kenya, Morocco)
- SECUREFOOD2050 - Improving resilience and food security in 2050 climate through soilless precise agricultural techniques and irrigation with wastewater properly treated by innovative technologies to ensure food safety (Algeria, Belgium, Egypt, Italy, Morocco + 7 industrial partners)
- CRRIsP - Climate Resilient and Responsible Innovations in Potato (Germany, Ireland, Kenya, the Netherlands, South Africa)
- BICEPS - Biochar Integration in Small-Holder Cropping Systems –Economy, Food Product Value Chains, Climate Change Resilience and Soil Fertility (Kenya, Norway, South Africa, Sweden)
- NutriGreen - Promoting Green Nutrition for the Sahel region (Burkina Faso, Germany, Senegal, Sweden)
- C4C - CropsForChange; Tackling the global warming effects in crops (Algeria, Italy, Morocco, South Africa, Turkey)
- CREATE - Cross-Border Climate Vulnerabilities and Remote Impacts of Food Systems of the EU, Turkey and Africa: Trade, Climate Risk and Adaptation (Egypt, Morocco, the Netherlands, Turkey)
- PHEALING - Post Harvest losses mitigation by improved plant hEALING (Belgium, Germany, Kenya, South Africa)
- BIO-BELIEF - BIOfortification of common Bean to promote heaLthy dIEt and Food security in a context of climatic variation (France, Italy, Kenya, South Africa + Brazil)
- Sus-Agri-CC - Innovative biofertilizers boosting yield of cereals and horticultural crops under global climate change: Toward Sustainability of Agricultural systems against the Climate Change in arid zones (Algeria, France, Germany, Morocco, Turkey + Tunisia, Japan and Mexico)
More information about the FOSC ERA-NET and the projects is available on the FOSC website.