A new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for JPIAMR
The Joint Programming Initiative on AntiMicrobial Resistance has recently launched its new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The JPI has held a series of consultations with the antifungal research community to incorporate antifungal research and innovation priorities. The SRIA is a prime guiding tool for AMR research prioritisation in investments, research activities and planning for JPIAMR member states and other funding initiatives. In addition, the SRIA acts as one of the most thorough guidelines on AMR research, helping researchers, policymakers, media, educators, health workers and the scientific community to work together on solutions to curb AMR on a global scale.
The JPI, in collaboration with the Israel Ministry of Health, is organising a webinar in alignment with the launch of the broadened JPIAMR SRIA: Supporting Transnational Research Collaboration on Fungal Drug Resistance on the 28th of April.
More information and the registration can be found at the JPIAMR website.