
Digital workshop FOSC, September 21

Published on
October 6, 2020

FOSC organized a digital workshop on September 21. Attending were many partners of the FOSC consortium, the additional funders of the call and guest organizations. The workshop was hosted by the consortium partner MIPAAF and co-hosted by WR and ANR. The meeting had multiple goals discussed in 3 sessions: 1) to discuss the opportunities for possible collaborations of FOSC with other initiatives and organizations, 2) to discuss the structuration and activities for the Knowledge Platform, and 3) to start the conversation about the additional funding activity from FOSC.

The activity was well attended and productive. Guest speakers from EIP-AGRI Service Point and LEAP4FNSSA shared ideas for a possible collaboration with FOSC. Lessons-learned and possible synergies with regard to knowledge platforms were shared by ICT-AGRI-FOOD ERA-NET, SUSFOOD2 ERA-NET, FACCE-JPI and the ERA-HDHL knowledge hub SYSTEMIC. Outcomes from the workshop will help FOSC to structure its future activities.