TEN ID enters StartLife Incubation program
The startup Ten ID is based at Wageningen Campus and founded by Dutch and Vietnamese partners. In the Netherlands, the five founders are developing an intelligent pond management system for Asian shrimp farmers. By entering stage 1 the startup receives a loan of 10.000 euros and the opportunity to further continue in the incubation program.
Powerless shrimp farmers
Tuan Le, one of the founders: “In Vietnam we witnessed powerless shrimp farmers in the Mekong Delta struggling against poverty. Caused by climate change, urbanization and the difficulties to produce high quality products without chemicals needed for the export market”
Creating new opportunities for Asian farmers
Tuan Le, co-founder of Ten ID: “With the knowledge of the local and Dutch founders we aim to secure the shrimp production and the quality needed to make export possible. Hereby creating new opportunities for the farmers in Asia”.
Pilot model
In 2015 the startup worked on market validation. Le: “In 2016 we will development a pilot model. With the loan of StartLife we will invest in technical components and our commercial activities.”
StartLife Incubation Program
With the StartLife Incubation Program StartLife offers startups pre-seed loans (up to 85.000 euro), workshops, active support by a personal coach, a connection with Wageningen UR, and an international network needed to accelerate their business. StartLife is based at Wageningen Campus and supported and financed in the last 5 years over 120 start-up businesses with an idea or contribution to innovative technologies.