HFJ (Huub) Savelkoul
Professor EmeritusFollow me on:
Huub Savelkoul (1956) is heading the Cell Biology and Immunology Group of Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands. He studied Biology with majors in Biochemistry, Genetics, Cell Biology and Immunology. He performed an internship at the department of Chemical Immunology (supervisor: prof.dr. P. Lonai†) of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (1981). He did his PhD research at the department of Immunology (1982-1988; headed by prof.dr. R. Benner) of the Medical Faculty of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam on “Induction and Measurement of IgE. A study in mice with emphasis on the regulatory role of lymphokines” (cum laude). He was awarded the Research Prize of the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1989. Next he was a postdoctoral fellow at the DNAX Research Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology in Palo Alto, California (supervisor dr. R.L. Coffman) (1988-1990). After his return he headed the “Immunoregulation” unit of the Immunology department in Rotterdam as a assistant and associate professor. In 2000 he obtained a NWO Van der Leeuw professorship in Immunology and as of 2003 he is full professor in Cell Biology and Immunology at Wageningen University. His research (Orcid nr: 0000-0001-6236-7092; Author ID: 7005493318) is focussed on basic mechanisms of (food) allergy, regulation of antibody formation, immunomodulation by food and feed, immunochemistry, allergenicity of food allergens, and new development in immunodiagnostics. He has experience in (inter)national research networks, national and EU funding opportunities, and patent applications. He is also active as consultant in immunology, allergy, vaccines, diagnostics, nutrition. He is highly involved in education at different levels and was nominated many times as Teacher of the Year at Wageningen University and this prize was awarded in 2010 (Teacher Hors Classe), 2014 (Teacher of the Year) and 2017 (Teacher of the Year for Di-Et-Tri of the Nutrition and Health study program). See also: and also